Monday, December 23, 2019
Fault Lines Interview: What Hope Does Impeachment Give Democrats?
I spoke with Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan on Sputnik's program Fault Lines. We talked about impeachment, how the democrats gave Trump everything he wanted (Space Force, trade bill, Patriot Act) but then use impeachment to give the appearance of being a real opposition party.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Fault Lines Interview
Yesterday I appeared on Radio Sputnik’s program Fault Lines. Garland Nixon, Lee Stranahan and I discussed the IG report and impeachment.
Friday, November 29, 2019
In Defense of Julian Assange
"But apparently Assange didn't understand the true nature of corruption in the United States. He didn't realize what it meant for him to say that the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was a choice between 'cholera or gonorrhea.' Those words created an enmity which exists to this day and prevents people whose politics would otherwise make them his defenders from speaking on his behalf."
Those are just some of the words I wrote in the OR Books anthology, In Defense of Julian Assange. My chapter is entitled, "The Naïveté of Julian Assange." I'm very proud of my contribution to this book which is edited by Tariq Ali and Margaret Kunstler. A purchase supports Assange's defense fund. Other contributors include Chris Hedges, Kevin Gosztola, Caitlin Johnstone, Nozomi Hayase, Noam Chomsky, Stefania Maurizi, Craig Murray and John Pilger.
Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents
That is the title of my first book. It will be published by Steerforth Press on February 4, 2020 but you can pre-order it now.
Propaganda Panel at Community Church Nov 19th
I appeared on a great panel with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate on November 19, 2019. We discussed how propaganda manufactures consent. We had a full house at the Community Church in Manhattan. Lee Camp moderated. It was a great evening with wide ranging discussion.
Appearance on Fault Lines
On November 26, 2019 I appeared on the Sputnik program Fault Lines with Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan. We talked about Ukrainegate, impeachment, and the 2020 election. You can listen to our conversation here.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Left Forum 2019 Panel - Should the Green Party Stand Down in 2020?
I will be appearing on a third panel at Left Forum in New York City. Please register if you have not already and join us on Sunday, June 30 at 12:30 p.m for Should the Green Party Stand Down in 2020? at Long Island University. No worries, the title is deliberately provocative but Howie Hawkins, Bruce Dixon and I are always speaking and acting in support of the Green platform and are working to strengthen our party.
LIU is located in downtown Brooklyn and is easily accessible via public transportation. We look forward to seeing you.
LIU is located in downtown Brooklyn and is easily accessible via public transportation. We look forward to seeing you.
In Defense of Julian Assange
I was honored to participate in this amazing OR books project. Along with Tariq Ali, Caitlin Johnstone, Matt Taibbi, Noam Chomsky, Nozomi Hayase, Chelsea Manning, Craig Murray, John Pilger, Ai Wei Wei, Patrick Coburn, Julian Assange and others I contributed to the new anthology, In Defense of Julian Assange.
Not only can you pre-order a copy now but doing so assists in Julian Assange's defense. Thank you.
Left Report 2019 Panel - Dismantling the U.S. Empire’s Fake News: Lessons from the Book “American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News--From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.”
Black Agenda Report will again present a panel at Left Forum in New York City. Please register if you have not done so already and join us on Saturday, June 29 at 12:30 p.m. for our panel Dismantling the U.S. Empire’s Fake News: Lessons from the Book “American
Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake
News--From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.” at Long Island University. LIU is located in downtown Brooklyn and is easily accessible via public transportation.
Glen Ford, Danny Haiphong, Dan Kovalik and I will discuss the amazing new book co-authored by Danny Haiphong and Roberto Sirvent. It should be a great panel.
Glen Ford, Danny Haiphong, Dan Kovalik and I will discuss the amazing new book co-authored by Danny Haiphong and Roberto Sirvent. It should be a great panel.
Left Forum 2019 Panel - Black Liberation Strategies in the Empire of Exceptionalism
Black Agenda Report will again present a panel at Left Forum in New York City. Please register if you have not done so already and join us on Saturday, June 29 at 10:00 a.m. for our panel Black Liberation Strategies in the Empire of Exceptionalism at Long Island University. LIU is located in downtown Brooklyn and is easily accessible via public transportation.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Appearance on Sputnik’s Faultlines
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
How to Protest Trump
UK protesters are pathetic. They make fun of Trump but say nothing about their government stealing $1 billion in gold from Venezuela. If he had better social skills they would protest nothing at all. Read my latest column here.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Margaret Kimberley on Assange, Abortion and Protest
Margaret Kimberley on Assange, Abortion and Protest: My guest is Margaret Kimberley, Senior Columnist and Editor of Black Agenda Report.
We discuss the charges against Julian Assange, the response of the mainstream media and their role in promoting wars; then we talk about the recent anti-Choice legislation in several states, the role of the Democratic Party in that development and the ineffectiveness of recent protest movements.
I think this is a very important conversation for all those on the Left who want things to change. You can read Margaret's columns at Black Agenda Report and on her blog Freedom Rider. The article we discussed is Abortion Rights and the Power of Protest.
I always enjoy speaking with Charles Dunaway on the Wider View podcast.
The US Justice system's idea of "fair and appropriate" - #FreeAssange
John Kiriakou and I were among those speaking on the May 24th #Unity4J online vigil in support of Julian Assange. Here we spoke to the injustices in the U.S. system that put Assange and Chelsea Manning at great risk.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
#Unity4J Online Vigil 31.0 in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
I appeared on the latest #Unity4J online vigil in support of Julian Assange. Hosts Joe Lauria and Elizabeth Vos welcomed Chris Hedges, John Kiriakou, George Szamuely, Peter Collins, Lee Stranahan and yours truly.
It is especially important to speak out on his case in light of the Espionage Act charges levied against Assange. This case would criminalize journalism and put all investigative reporting at risk.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
End the Prison State
I have to thank Myrna Lim for inviting me to discuss mass incarceration in the United States. At about 7 minutes, 20 seconds into the video you can watch Joe Biden's racist "dog whistle" remarks made during debate of the 1994 Crime Bill.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
KPFA Interview on Julian Assange
I spoke to Sabrina Jacobs on her show A Rude Awakening. We talked about the need to support Julian Assange. Listen here at about 14 minutes into the program.
Monday, May 06, 2019
Dialogue with Jorge Arreaza, Foreign Minister of Venezuela
Jorge Arreaza is Venezuela's foreign minister. This April 25th talk in New York City inspired my latest column. You can only watch this video on Youtube. Watch it here.
He gives good background information on the current situation. The day after he spoke he was personally sanctioned by the U.S. government. The fool's errand coup attempt was hatched and failed on April 30th.
Solidarity with Venezuela
On April 25 I was fortunate to hear Jorge Arreaza, foreign minister of Venezuela, speak in New York City. I was inspired to write my next Black Agenda Report column about his country. As I was finishing it I learned that the U.S. had attempted a bizarre coup attempt against president Maduro. This is the result, Solidarity with Venezuela.
Telesur Interview
I spoke to Telesur EnglishEnglish on April 30, 2019, the day of the U.S. backed coup against Venezuela. If the screen is partially cut off watch here.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The "Resistance" Is Silent on Julian Assange
"This resistance is little more than a collective hissy fit from dead ender Democrats who insist on following a party that can’t even reliably stay in office. They have spent the last three years railing against Trump but bite their tongues when he commits an act that reeks of fascist ideology."
So sayeth yours truly in my latest column in Black Agenda Report. The so-called resistance is silent and won't speak for Julian Assange. Read my thoughts here.
So sayeth yours truly in my latest column in Black Agenda Report. The so-called resistance is silent and won't speak for Julian Assange. Read my thoughts here.
#Unity4J 26.0 Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
I joined the latest Unity4J 26.0 online vigil in support of Julian Assange. Even though Assange is now in custody it is still important to speak on his behalf.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
#Unity4J 25.0 Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
"I’m thoroughly disgusted with liberals who've been calling themselves the resistance, who've been calling Trump a fascist. And this is straight up, 100%, card carrying fascism, and you hear crickets. Or youhear criticism of Julian because he did this or because he did that or because he did this or that other thing. And now is their chance to speak up for the press. Trump gets into some stupid pissing match with Jim Acosta or whoever the hell about nothing. And here we have the rights of journalism being subverted completely by a man the liberal resistance claim to hate and they don’t say anything. Or what they do say is critical of Julian, the person who is the victim." - Yours Truly
On April 11, 2019 the Ecuadorean government violated its own laws and expelled Julian Assange from his place of asylum in the United Kingdom embassy. The UK government immediately took him into custody. The United States has indicted him and wants to bring him to the United States to stand trial.
The charges are in regard to the 2010 leak from Chelsea Manning to Wikileaks. The Collateral Murder video is among the documents that Manning provided. It clearly shows evidence of U.S. war crimes committed in the killing of one dozen Iraqi civilians.
I am very proud to have been invited to participate in the #Unity4J online vigils in support of Assange. This video was recorded on April 12th and includes Daniel Ellsberg and others. I didn't speak for very long, but you can see my comments at 2 hours 37 minutes, 2 hours and 54 minutes and 3 hours and 17 minutes.
What's Going on in Venezuela?
On April 9th I moderated a panel discussion on Venezuela. I was joined by Ajamu Baraka, Sara Flounders, William Camacaro, Danny Haiphong and Raymond Turner. The National Writer's Union hosted the event in New York City. Ajamu and Sara recently returned from Venezuela as part of a U.S. Peace Council delegation. William is a native Venezuelan and also discussed a recent visit.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Margaret Kimberley: 'Honor MLK's Anti-war Legacy'
Here I am speaking at the Black Alliance for Peace 2nd anniversary celebration which was held in Washington DC on April 4th. I spoke about how BAP fulfills the need for a black led, people centered anti-war movement.
The event also kicked off our domestic campaign which focuses on mass incarceration, ending police exchanges with Israel and the 1033 program which militarizes police departments across the country. You can see all of panelists and learn about our 2nd anniversary activities in our newsletter here.
No Compromise! No Retreat!
Defeat the War Against African/Black People in the U.S. and Abroad!
Sunday, April 07, 2019
Overcoming the mainstream propaganda war – Margaret Kimberley #ProtectJu...
If you only want to see me the folks at #Unity4J created this video of my participation in the latest online vigil in support of Julian Assange.
Saturday, April 06, 2019
Black Agenda Report is "Good on Russiagate"
I am very proud to be included on this list of those who have been “good
on Russiagate.” That is to say it is a list of people who never fell for the
hoax. Glen Ford, Bruce Dixon and the Black Agenda Report site are included too.
WBAI on April 5, 2019
Julianna Forlano and I continued our weekly discussions. We talked about the importance of Martin Luther King's anti-Vietnam war speech on April 4, 1967 and Julianna played portions of the speech. We then talked about how to build progressive politics and whether that can be done within the confines of the democratic party. (I say it can't be done.) I start at about 15 minutes into the program. Listen here.
News Views with Garland Nixon
I continued my day with Garland Nixon on his WPFW program, News Views. We talked for an hour about Black Agenda Report, Black Alliance for Peace anniversary, #NotoNATO protests, Venezuela, Russiagate and the 2020 elections.
You can listen to us here.
You can listen to us here.
Appearance on Fault Lines
I made good use of my time in Washington. After my last appearance on Sputnik's Fault Lines I was invited to be in studio if I was ever in town. Well I was on Friday and appeared in-studio with Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan. We talked about the anti-NATO protests, Venezuela, 2020 election. Listen here and here.
Black Alliance for Peace Second Anniverary
It isn't a coincidence that Black Alliance for Peace was founded on April 4, 2017. On April 4, 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King gave his famous speech, "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence," in which he condemned the Vietnam war. On April 4, 1968 he was assassinated because of his increasingly radical political stance.
When BAP and a coalition of peace groups learned that NATO planned to celebrate its 70th anniversary on April 4 we were inspired to protest that desecration and their wars of aggression around the world. A week of #No2NATO actions took place in Washington beginning on March 30th. You can see the BAP event on the video above.
No Compromise! No Retreat!
Online Vigil in Support of Julian Assange
On April 4, 2019 Wikileaks reported a plan to eject Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean embassy in London where he was given asylum in 2012. That asylum was given to him by president Rafael Correa, who is no longer in office. His successor, Lenin Moreno, has cut a deal with the U.S. to turn Assange over in exchange for IMF aide.
Fortunately the publicity surrounding this story has resulted in the Ecuadoreans claiming that they have no such plans. The #Unity4J team once again organized an online vigil in support of Assange. Once again I was lucky enough to be invited to participate. You can see my interview which starts at about the 5 hour mark.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
WBAI Interview
Listen to my weekly commentary with Julianna Forlano on WBAI. We discuss my latest Black Agenda Report column, Julian Assange and Robert Mueller. Defend Assange and Chelsea Manning! I start at about 14 minutes into the program. You can listen here.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Revealing Russiagate
I spoke to Devon Bowers on A Different Lens, The Hampton Institute podcast. We talked about the implosion of the Russiagater faux scandal, why it happened, who is to blame and what the impact will be. Devon and I had a good convo. I think you'll find it worthwhile.
P.S. You can listen here if the embedded audio doesn't work.
P.S. You can listen here if the embedded audio doesn't work.
Monday, March 25, 2019
KPFA Interview
I spoke to Sabrina Jacobs on her KPFA program, A Rude Awakening. We discussed my latest Black Agenda Report column, The Permanence of White Supremacy.
Listen to us here.
Listen to us here.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
WBAI Interview - March 22, 2019
On my latest appearance on Waking Up with Julianna Forlano we discussed my latest Black Agenda Report column The Permanence of White Supremacy. I wrote it in the wake of the killing of 50 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand. The unhinged shooter cannot be the face of white supremacy, when that ideology is supported by the state, the media and by millions of people. Listen here. We start at about 11 minutes into the program.
WBAI Interview - March 15, 2019
In this segment of Waking Up with Julianna Forlano we discussed the college admissions scandal, phony outrage over the sentence of Paul Manafort, and the 2020 elections. Listen here. We start at about 36 minutes into the program.
Saturday, March 09, 2019
WBAI Interview - March 8, 2019
I’ve been appearing on the WBAI program Waking Up with Julianna Forlano. Yesterday we discussed the Soviet origins of International Working Women’s Day and what it should mean. Our convo starts at about 35 minutes into the program.
Thursday, March 07, 2019
Fault Lines Interview
I was invited to appear on the Sputnik program Fault Lines this morning. I discussed Venezuela with Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan. You can listen here. I start at about the 1 hour and 19 minute mark. Then I get a nice compliment from Garland and Lee.
Tuesday, March 05, 2019
Immigration and Family Separation
I appeared on Presstv to discuss the Trump administration policy of separating families seeking asylum.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Coffee, Current Events and Politics in Luqman Nation
Jacqueline Luqman invited me to talk about the U.S. coup attempt in Venezuela, and the 2020 presidential campaign as it concerns Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders. We discussed U.S. imperialism, the lack of human rights here, meddling in other countries and the dangerous candidacy of Kamala Harris. I enjoyed our conversation. I'm sure you will too.
P.S. I'm sorry Jacqueline's image is cut off here. Click on the title in the embedded video to see it on Youtube.
P.S. I'm sorry Jacqueline's image is cut off here. Click on the title in the embedded video to see it on Youtube.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Thanks to Solomon Comissiong for inviting me to join Ajamu Baraka, Glen Ford, Netfa Freeman, Danny Haiphong, Daniel Patrick Welch and Erica Puentes Martinez. We all discussed various aspects of the U.S. coup attempt against the Venezuelan government.
Hand Off Venezuela!
Sunday, February 03, 2019
Saturday, February 02, 2019
Workers World Solidarity with Venezuela, New York City, 01/31/2019
I took part in a panel discussion at Workers World in New York City. I was joined by Nate Brown and Larry Holmes of Workers World Party andRoger Wareham of the December 12th Movement. If you don't understand why we must oppose the U.S. led coup attempt against the Venezuelan government just watch and listen.
Note: I'm sorry that the youtube video cuts people off at the end of the table. Just watch the facebook video here and you can see the full screen.
Friday, February 01, 2019
Around the Empire Podcast
Thanks to JoAnne Leon for the invite. We began with a discussion of Martin Luther King’s April 4, 1967 speech “Beyond Vietnam” at Riverside Church.We ended up talking about NATO, 2020 election, yellow vests, Brexit, and Venezuela. You can listen here.

2020 election,
Martin Luther King,
yellow vests
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Fascist Attack on Venezuela
The Trump administration effort to unseat President Maduro in Venezuela is fascist by any definition. But Donald Trump is not the only criminal. Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and senators Durbin and Murphy support the coup attempt, as does Justin Trudeau in Canada. They are fascists too. I explain in my latest Black Agenda Report column.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Discussing Venezuela
I appeared on the Radio Sputnik program Fault Lines this morning. I discussed the Black Alliance for Peace position on Venezuela with hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan. You can listen here.
Monday, January 28, 2019
On WBAI's Waking Up with Julianna Forlano on January 25th
I will be on the WBAI program Waking Up With Julianna Forlano every Friday morning. I start at about 37 minutes here. I discussed Marzieh Hashemi, Russiagate and censorship, condition of black journalists, police brutality, and Venezuela. You can listen here.
Margaret Kimberly on US military bases and the Democrats
Margaret Kimberly on US military bases and the Democrats: In this episode, I'm joined by Margaret Kimberley, Editor and Senior Columnist for Black Agenda Report for a discussion of NATO, US foreign military bases, the role of the Democratic Party in progressive movements, the arrest of Marzieh Hashemi, Venezuela and other topics.
I had a great convo with Charles Dunaway. We discussed the issues he mention above and we also touched on Venezuela on the Wider View Podcast.
I had a great convo with Charles Dunaway. We discussed the issues he mention above and we also touched on Venezuela on the Wider View Podcast.
Tuesday, January 01, 2019
Margaret Kimberley, Editor Of BAR : U.S. Out Of Africa, Shutdown Africom
Happy New Year! I spoke with Jamarl Thomas, host of The Progressive Soapbox, about the Black Alliance for Peace campaign to end AFRICOM. Please listen to our conversation. Enjoy.
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