Cosby Won't Shut Up
Damn! Another groping allegation won't make Cosby zip his lip. He is committed to annoying the rest of us with his self-hating, nonsensical, psycho babble. I have no idea if he is a serial groper, like the Governor of California, but I was happy that he had disappeared and taken a vow of silence. Like many good things it just couldn't last.
I wonder if Mr. Morality ever got around to taking a DNA test and proving once and for all if he is or isn't Autumn Jackson's father. What a hypocrite. Just like Bill Bennett and Rush Limbaugh, the great moralizer has many skeletons in his closet.
That is Cosby's real problem. He obviously feels guilty about his own parenting. I usually don't get personal in my commentary, but Cosby's remarks make him fair game. One of his daughters had a drug problem. Does he discuss that? No he doesn't. It would be honest if he did so. Instead he just demonizes the most vulnerable black people and gets the cheapest of applause lines.
Cosby also has a strange way of defending himself.
When asked in the interview whether those allegations would hurt his standing on moral issues, Cosby said, "If they are not true, what happens if they are not true?"
If? Gee Cosby, don't you know if the allegations are true or not?
I won't spend time trying to figure out his guilt or innocence. I just want him to go to a monastery, one that requires a vow of silence. Then he would really help black people.