Sunday, October 18, 2009

Abraham Bolden

Have you ever heard of Abraham Bolden? I had not until today. Last night I watched "JFK: 3 Shots that Changed America," the latest History Channel documentary on the JFK assassination.
It is an excellent program, comprised entirely of television network news footage from the assassination and the following days. The program inspired me to restart my own amateur investigations about the assassination. In my college days I voraciously followed any and all information about what I had determined to be a conspiracy.

In my googling last night and today I came across two books which were previously unknown to me. The first is Legacy of Secrecy by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann. Their book caught my attention because it reported that there were two attempts to kill Kennedy in November 2003. One took place in Chicago, and the other in Tampa.

The second book is The Echo from Dealey Plaza, Bolden's story of his knowledge of the mafia conspiracy that killed the president of the United States. Bolden was the first black secret service agent to be part of a presidential detail. He attempted to inform the Warren Commission about the Chicago attempt when he was falsely charged with selling government documents. He spent three years in a federal prison even after witnesses against him recanted their testimony.

I plan to read both books as soon as I can get my hands on copies of them. In the meantime I recommend finding out all you can about Abraham Bolden.